Wednesday, December 28, 2016

What to eat Before and After Exercising

Find out what you should eat before jogging!

It’s quite simple! The key to a healthy lifestyle is exercising regularly and a good diet. You could work out like crazy and spend entire days locked in a gym using every single machine they have, or you could run 10 kilometers every day. But the things is that unless you eat properly, and accordingly to the amount of physical strain you’re putting on your body, you’re most likely end up doing more damage than good.

Eating is the way our body gets energy. The energy we obtain from food is consumed and burned with our daily activities. Some activities take up more energy than others, of course. Working out is a sure way to burn away the energy we have. But what happens when we take in more energy than we burn out? It gets transformed into fat and stored all around our bodies. And what happens if we consume more energy than we take in? The body starts taking muscle tissue apart in order to obtain more energy, in the long run this deteriorates our bodies. So it is clear why we need to have a good balance between the food we eat and the energy we burn. To remain in shape and healthy it is essential that you know what to eat before and after working out. You might need to put up a little extra energy before or maybe replace what you’ve lost after. In order to know exactly what you need to eat before and after working out you need to think of the type of workout you’re about to do.

For the sake of making things simple, let’s divide the types of workout you could do in three levels of intensity: light, mild, and hard. Each of these levels require different amounts of energy and thus need particular diets. For a light workout, like an easy jog, one you could talk through, you don’t really need to eat much before. As long as your running session doesn’t exceed 45 minutes, all you would need would be a banana or a small granola bar should do the trick.  Afterwards you don’t really need to eat something right away, but try to have a snack or a meal within two hours, otherwise you’ll find yourself craving sugar later on.

A mild workout needs a little more energy. You’re going to need calories for this. Most physicians recommend chomping down 200 or 400 calories before going out. It really depends on your size and weight but a couple of toasts with jelly should be enough. You’ll want to make sure that the calories you take in come from easily digestible carbs like bread. After your session you shouldn’t wait more than 30 minutes before eating. It is crucial that you replenish your energy levels. You need fluids, carbs, and protein.

Finally, for hard workout sessions you need to have a good meal two to three hours before your go out. Try to find a way to adjust your routine and schedule to this. You’re going to need a lot of calories but also keep it easily digestible. Bananas, peanut butter, and calorie shakes are a great option. Afterwards have a good snack right away. A couple of hours later you should sit down for a good meal and continue snaking every two hours or so for the rest of the day.

Eating the right things is only part of the job when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Taking care of your body is also a crucial part of the job, and while you take care of your diet, the people of LightBug Sports take care of providing you with the best sports gear and wear available. All of their products are especially made to endure and protect your body. They’re also made from reflective materials so you can go out and work out at night and be safe all the time.

Eating correctly is half the job of being healthy.

LightBug Sports
Phone: +1 (877) 586.7425

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